Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Character Kite Runner Mindmap
- Before
- Relationship
with Hassan
- Gave birth to him
"one cold winter
day in 1964"
- Leaves 5 days later
- "Hassan never talked
about his mother, as
if she never existed"
- Rumours
- "ran off with a clan of
travelling singers and
- "A fate most
Afghans considered
far worse than
- Soldiers
- "I took her from behind by
that creek over that"
- "I knew your mother,
did you know that? I
knew her real good"
- "I'm told no one was
really surprised when
Sanaubar eloped"
- Physical Description
- "Brilliant green eyes"
- "impish face"
- "tempted countless men into sin"
- "Beautiful"
- "Suggestive stride
and oscillating hips"
- "She had a dimpled smile and a walk
that drove men crazy" -Rahim Khan
- "No one that passed her on the
street, be it man or woman, could
look at her only once" -Rahim Khan
- Reputation
- "Notoriously unscrupulous"
- "lived up to her
- Relationship With Ali
- First Cousins
- Arranged marriage
- Bring back honour
to her family
- After
- Physical Description
- "Toothless woman
with stringy grey hair"
- "Sores on her arms"
- "Looked like she
hadn't eaten for days"
- "the worst of it by
far was her face"
- "Someone had
taken a knife to it"
- "One of the cuts went from cheek
bone to hairline and it had not
spared her left eye on the way"
- Relationship with Hassan
- First thing she says
after coming round-
"Where is Hassan?"
- "I have walked long and far to see if you
are as beautiful in the flesh as you are in
my dreams. And you are. Even more.
- She says to Hassan
"Smile for me please"
- Hassan did and the old
woman wept"
- "You smiled coming out of me did anyone ever
tell you? And I wouldn't even hold you. Allah
forgive me, I wouldn't even hold you"