How is Amir's narrative voice used to characterise himself?


Mind Map on How is Amir's narrative voice used to characterise himself?, created by Zona Malik on 09/12/2014.
Zona Malik
Mind Map by Zona Malik, updated more than 1 year ago
Zona Malik
Created by Zona Malik about 10 years ago

Resource summary

How is Amir's narrative voice used to characterise himself?
  1. Portrays himself as 'the bad guy'
    1. The book is called The Kite RUNNER not FIGHTER which is what Amir was, it is about Hassan-the real protagonist
    2. “I actually aspired to cowardice"
      1. "There was a monster in the lake… I was that monster."
        1. " I’d betrayed Hassan, lied, driven him out, and destroyed a forty-year relationship "
          1. Amir feels guilt over what he did as a child and becomes the antagonist of novel narrated by himself
            1. He blames himself throughout
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