Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Men
- Key Hormone Players
- Hypothalamus
- Anterior Pituiatry
- Stimulates
- Needed for sperm formation
- LH
- Testis
- Seminiferous Tubles
- Sertoli Cells (nurse cells)
- Produces Inhibin
- Regulates sperm production
- Negative Feedback
- Sperm
- Meiosis
- N=46 diploid
N=23 diploid
Alleles are shuffled and # of chromosomes are halved
- 2n
- N
- N
- N
- N
- N
- N
- Leydig Cells
- Situated in between tubles
- Produce Androgens
- Testosterone
- Regulates LH secreation
- Negative Feedback
- Sperm production
- Decreased levels = Andropause
- Stimulates
- Posterior Piuitary
- Women
- Key Hormone Players
- Hypothalamus
- Anterior Pituitary
- Overies
- ovarian follicle
- Maturation of eggs
- Meiosis
- 2N
- N
- X
- X
- N
- X
- N
- Produces estrogen
- LH
- Releases the egg
- Forms Corpus Luteum
- Produces estrogen
- Posterior Pituitary