Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- backgrounds
- soldiers
- Those who sided with Britain in the war
- Opportunists attracted by free land and provisions for three years
- widows/children of those who backed Britain in the war
- mostly lower and middle class
- labourers
- farmers
- artisans
- merchants
- most of the wealthy went to Britain or West Indies
- FN groups who fought with Britain
- Many were ethnic and religious minorities
- Black Loyalists
- social impact
- took first nation land
- anger against those who felt they should
be given more land and a place of authoirty
- reorganization of colonial administration
- NS decreased in size
- addition of New Brunswick and Cape Breton
- new capitals
- tipped the balance of power against Mi'kmaq and maliseet
- squatters stole FN land which was not prosecuted
- Anishinabeg thought they agreed to share land, but
colonists thought it was given
- After constitutional Act upper Canada was made up of mainly Loyalists
- Black Loyalists left a legacy of literacy, religious conviction and self help
- Loyalists left a legacy of literacy, education and cultural development
- enhanced conservatism