Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Mahad Taluka:
PRIDE in India
- Why stay?/How to reduce out-migration
- Incentives
- Support for farmers
- Farmers market
- Child health clinics
- Women's health
- Global: Fairtrade
- Why leave?
- Infant mortality
- Poor sanitation
- Landlessness
- Dry seasons - drought
- Monsoons - badly affected cotton growers
- Flooding - in 2000 over 2,500 people were killed in the summer floods
- Destroyed 4million hectares of crops
- Illiteracy
- Lack of services
- More political power in cities
- Lack of jobs
- Why?
- Try to reduce mass migration to urban areas
- Sustainable development
- Working in 140 of 167 villages in
the rural area of Mahad Taluka
- Infant mortality is 25%
- Periodic checks to look at children's
nutrition levels and health
- 6 full time specialist doctors
- Healthy school meals
everyday at school
- Children under 5 given Vitamin A to
prevent diarrhoea and are immunised
- 70% of people are illiterate
- 160 adult education centres
- Study centres teach English, maths and science
- Pre-school education centres
- Children given an education
fund to repay later
- Dry seasons - drought
- Irrigation schemes set up using
check dams and reservoirs to raise
the water table
- Villagers now have a supply of water
most of the year
- Women do most of the work in the villages,
must raise children as well as do all of the
domestic work
- Working to educate women and ensure
healthy pregnancies
- Free check up throughout the pregnancy
- Allowed to start their own businesses
- Child care centres allow parents to work
- Illness
- 500 family planning sessions a year
- HIV check ups, advice and outreach workers
- Promote HIV/AIDs awareness
- Essential medicines free of charge
- Regular immunisation clinics
- Over 45% of the 200,000 people are landless
- Professional nursing programmes
- Villagers trained at a centre running
courses ranging from goat rearing to
- Local people trained as teachers
- Youth clubs teach practical skills through
voluntary work - improving village roads and
tree planting
- Trained local police