Dulce et Decorum est


Mindmap am Dulce et Decorum est, erstellt von emily_paton am 02/01/2015.
Mindmap von emily_paton, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von emily_paton vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Dulce et Decorum est
  1. My friend, you would not tell me such high zest/ To children ardent for some desperate glory, / The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori
    1. In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning
      1. Owen describes how haunting his dreams are, as the image of the young boy dying in front of him appears in all of his dreams.
        1. Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! – An ecstasy of fumbling
          1. With the use of short abrupt words, followed by exclamation marks, signals panic and a sense of speed. With the words only having one syllable, this emphasises the speed.
            1. Using the word ‘ecstasy’, it creates rush, panic and adrenaline, which contrast with the fatigue men of stanza one.
              1. This is a loud, fast introduction and contrasts with the pace of stanza one.
              2. deaf even to the sound of hoots / Of gas-shells dropping softly behind
                1. Owen has now created an auditory image (onomatopoeia), with the term “hoots”. When thinking of hoots you think of loud, short noises repeating themselves but he quotes “dropping softly” which clashes with the idea. They are theoretically dropping loudly but the men have become used to the sound, they are numb.
                  1. This leaves us with an image of how far they have walked but reminds us of how far they have left to go. So by analysing Owen’s poetic techniques, using metaphors and a slow pace, we are once again reminded of his response.
                  2. Bent double, like old beggars under sacks
                    1. Using the poetic imagery, he creates the image of young boys being hunched, carrying a heavy burden. In this quotation there lays a literal image and a metaphorical image. The boys are literally carrying a heavy bag but are metaphorically carrying the heavy burden of war. This suggests that the war has broken them and aged them beyond their years, leading them to an early death.
                      1. Wilfred Owen creates a simile by comparing the young boys to the elderly.
                      2. And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime
                        1. To begin, Wilfred Owen starts a water motif that is brought up further into the poem and uses the verb “flound’ring”. It represents the image of a fish taken out of water, which gives us the sense of struggle.
                          1. “Like a man on fire” is a simile. The smoke from the gas in the air is green and is described by using the term “lime”.His actions are suggesting he is moving around as one would if they were being burned.
                            1. So by considering that this young boy died in a surprise gas attack at war, instead of fighting for his country, we see the emotional response of how fatal his death was and how the war affected these young men.
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