Nature of Crime


12 Legal Studies (Crime) Mindmap am Nature of Crime, erstellt von Haniibee am 30/08/2013.
Mindmap von Haniibee, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Haniibee vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Nature of Crime
  1. Types of Crime
    1. Crimes against the person
      1. Crimes against the state
        1. Economic Offences
          1. Strict Liability Offences
            1. Drug Offences
              1. Public Order Offences
                1. Preliminary Crimes
                  1. Driving Offences
                  2. Definition of Crime
                    1. Elements of Crime
                      1. Summary and Indictable Offenecs
                        1. Parties to a Crime
                          1. Factors affecting criminal behaviour
                            1. Situational and Social Crime Prevention
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                              ähnlicher Inhalt

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