Why are you still using C?


Mindmap am Why are you still using C?, erstellt von Mijahil Guzmán am 04/06/2019.
Mijahil Guzmán
Mindmap von Mijahil Guzmán, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mijahil Guzmán
Erstellt von Mijahil Guzmán vor fast 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Why are you still using C?
  1. why do embedded developers choose C lenguages over C++?


    • sdg
    1. the availability of tools for the embedded processor.
      1. is C++ the same than C?
        1. Keep on mind that when Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++, he designed it to continue to be useable as a low level programming language.
        2. C++ has bad reputation
          1. C++ is a big, complex and powerful language and the people that use it have the responsibility to program in a safely and effectively way, we have to remember that C++ does not cause bad programs, bad programming does it.
            1. so, does C++ have something good?
              1. In fact, C++ provides many features that may have a place in the embedded software: encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, exceptions, templates and the standard library.
                1. well, Encapsulation is really good, but, what does it offer?
                  1. Encapsulation in C++ allows the software engineer to build serl-contained objects.
                    1. Encapsulation has it’s own cost. It is not generally regarded as high, but it des hace a cost.
                      1. . Each call to a member function has a hidden additional parameter, the pointer to the encapsulated data structure (a.k.a the ‘this’ pointer)
                        1. The conclusion
                          1. If you are really good at programming using C++, you could create better systems using this programming language instead of C and the cost less.
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