Definition of Enviromental Indicators


map where present, the structure of an environmental indicator in the environmental components (Water, Soil, Air, Flora and Fauna).
juan rua
Mindmap von juan rua, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
juan rua
Erstellt von juan rua vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Definition of Enviromental Indicators
  1. water
    1. Condition
      1. Water quality
        1. quantity
        2. Stress
          1. Response
          2. soil
            1. Condition
              1. Stress
                1. Response
                2. air
                  1. Condition
                    1. air quality,
                    2. Stress
                      1. response
                      2. flora and fauna
                        1. Condition
                          1. population
                            1. plant health
                              1. biodiversity
                                1. area
                                  1. biomass
                                  2. Stress
                                    1. associate with climate change
                                    2. Response
                                      1. do not recharge aquifera
                                        1. Species in extinction
                                          1. plagues
                                        2. stress-condition- response
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