Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Fire Precautions
- flammable liquids
- use containers suitable for purpose with clear labels
- designated/marked storage areas
- containers tightly closed
- stored outside or in fire resisting store
- good ventilation to prevent vapour build up
- spillage protection e.g. bunding
- limit sources of ignition
- limit quantities used/amounts in use
- control and limit flammable waste
- safety containers with self-closing lids for small quantities
- fire detection
- people looking (in the simplest workplace)
- interlinked domestic smoke alarms:
- maybe suitable for small low risk workplaces
- automatic fire detection:
- smoke detectors linked to warning devices
- commonly use ionising
smoke detectors
- fire warning
- an audible means of sounding alarm
- shouting, hand bell, air horn, etc. may be
adequate for small low risk workplaces
- electronic fire alarm system normally
required, with manual call points on exit
routes and adjacent to the final exit
- must be clearly audible at all locations
- normally linked to detection systems
- alarms should be
tested regularly, and
result recorded
- means of escape
- should normally be an alternative means of escape
- each escape route should be
independent of any other and lead to
place of safety
- no. of exits sufficient for number of staff
- routes wide enough for number of occupants
and should be averrable for use and clear at all
- corridors should be at least 1m wide
- stairways should be of sufficient width
- corridors and stairways should be locked
and should open outwards
- disabled may need help to evacuate
- should be sufficiently lit, and
have emergency lighting where
- escape routes should be unobstructed
- travel distances should be kept to a minimum
- assembley points
- unenclosed position in open air
- safe distance from building
- large enough for all evacutees
- direct access from final exits
- clearly marked/signposted
- not in position to obstruct emergency services
- away from passing traffic so
as not to create a risk
- information and training
- fire action notices should be displayed
throughout the workplace
- should be brought to
attention of all staff and
- training should cover:
- how to raise alarm
- escape routes
- assisting visitors/public, etc
- assisting disabled evacuees
- using fire extinguishers