

I.C.T (Stakeholders) Mindmap am Stakeholder, erstellt von shy4mm am 06/09/2013.
Mindmap von shy4mm, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von shy4mm vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. community
    1. so that they have a close nearby place
    2. owner
      1. more profit if suceed
      2. employee
        1. may be a raise if suceed
        2. creditor
          1. they get their money back if suceed
          2. suppliers
            1. they can use them more I they suceed
            2. customers
              1. the get cheaper goods
              2. profit
                1. Revenue - cost
                2. Customer service
                  1. to change the company to what the customers recommend
                  2. Revenue
                    1. money made by sales
                    2. sponsorship
                      1. sponsorship is when people sponsor a company to help them get noticed.
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