Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Septic Shock
- Pathogenesis
- Invading Microorganisms
- Release of proinflammatory cytokines such as
Tumor Necorsis Factor:, Interleukin-1 and other
proinflammatory cytokines
- Diagnosis
- Assessment
- Clinical Presentation
- Cardiovascular
- Increased or decreased temperature
- Biventricular dilation: decreased ejection fraction
- Pulmonary
- Hyperventilation
- Respiratory alkalosis leading to respiratory acidosis
- Hypoxemia
- Respiratory Failure
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- Crackles
- Renal
- Decreasing urine output leading to oliguria
- Skini
- Warm and flushed (early sign)
- Cool & mottled (Late sign)
- Neuro
- Altered mental state
- Agitation
- Coma (late stage)
- Gastrointestinal
- GI bleeding
- Paralytic Ileus
- Other Diagnostic Findings
- Increased or decreased White Blood Cell count
- Decreased platelets
- Increased lactate
- Increased glucose
- Increased urine specific gravity
- Decreased Urine Sodium
- Positive Blood Cultures
- Treatment
- Complications