Percussive Progress Vinyl Record Sleeve


Mindmap am Percussive Progress Vinyl Record Sleeve, erstellt von William Kirby am 17/10/2019.
William Kirby
Mindmap von William Kirby, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
William Kirby
Erstellt von William Kirby vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Percussive Progress Vinyl Record Sleeve
  1. Target Audience
    1. People born around the 1980s
      1. The retro theme will appeal to them
      2. Men
        1. Will have to look high quality for higher-income people
          1. Still has to look friendly towards the lower-income people
        2. Images
          1. Drums
            1. Keyboard
              1. Space
              2. Colours
                1. Space colours
                  1. Black
                    1. Purple
                    2. Retro colours
                    3. Text
                      1. Size
                        1. Big enough for it to be eyecatching but not too big so that it covers up most of the graphic
                        2. Colour
                          1. Contrast with the background so it stands out more
                        3. Effects
                          1. White space
                            1. Gives off the effect of the vastness of space
                            2. Proximity
                              1. I could use proximity to give off the effect of space's massiveness
                            3. Design
                              1. Simplistic
                                1. Potentially have a colour scheme
                                  1. Retro Colours
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                                ähnlicher Inhalt

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