Safety and Security


A mind map about safety and security
Ananya Binu
Mindmap von Ananya Binu, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ananya Binu
Erstellt von Ananya Binu vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Safety and Security
  1. Types of passwod security you can use
    1. Long and easy-to-remember passcodes
      1. Eye scan
        1. Line to line passwords
          1. Fingerprint ID
          2. How to make unsolvable passwords
            1. Use that network to see how secure your password is
              1. Make it long and easy to remember
                1. Use 'How secure is your password?' web
                  1. No more than 16 characters
                  2. Why do you need a secure password?
                    1. It can stop hackers
                      1. No one can find out any info
                        1. So no one knows your private details
                        2. Why is it important?
                          1. It can stop people accessing your info
                            1. It protects you from online dangers
                              1. You can always be safe
                                1. It stops hackers hacking your account
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