Zusammenfassung der Ressource
RR (Relative risk)
- 1. To test the existence and strength of the risk of
the occurrence of the disease among the exposed
group compared to the unexposed group
- 2. Mainly on data from RCTs and cohort studies.
- of the condition of interest (e.g. disease) in
the treatment (or exposed) group, to the risk in
the control group (in RCTs).
- Cohort Studies
- calculated where it is defined as
the ratio or the risk of a given
disease, in the exposed or at-risk
- compared to the risk of the
disease in unexposed group.
- incidence of the disease is used to
describe the disease patterns and then
the RR is calculated in further analysis.
- Interpretation
- size of the RR is an effective index of
the strength of a relationship between
the exposure and the disease being
- Rules
- RR =1, NO RISK
- RR <1, PROTECTIVE or positive in
terms of the disease and the
- next step in the analysis of the study data is to
ask if the RR is a statistically significant1 result.
- could this result have happened by chance, or is
it a “real” (or statistically significant) effect
- confidence intervals (CI) TO TELL US REAL
- examine the statistical significance
- tell us whether the results might
be a chance effect or not
- but also illustrate how small or how large the
true effect size might be.