Zusammenfassung der Ressource
5. Masculinity and Feminity
- Femininity
- Looking after others and preserving
of the values is important
- Social relationships
are important
- Both men and women may
sensitive and be warm
- Everyone is expected
to be modest
- The father and mother are
equally responsible for feelings
and facts in the family
- Boys and girls choose the same
subjects at school and at university
- Conflicts are resolved by searching
compromises and negotiate with another
- Almost all Scandinavian countries are
feminine characterized countries
- Masculinity
- Material success and
money are important
- Men should have much
assertiveness and show
high performance
- Women are caring, sensible,
modest and be warm
- In the family, the mother is
responsible for feelings and the
father is responsible for facts
- Boys and girls choose different
subjects at school and at university
- Conflicts are resolved
by being discharged
- Germany, USA, Japan and Austria are
masculine characterized countries