Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Technologic Contracts
- Strong competitive
advantages are created
- In which companies must consider different
factors such as technology developers or
- It is in the hands of professionals who belong to the
technology sector to guide the processes of digital
- Technology contracts become a technological relationship
where rights and obligations are created or modified with the
purpose of exchanging technological objects
- According to the technological
object, the contracts are
classified into software and
hardware contracts
- Software contracts purchased in stores
with an established contract form that
cannot be modified.
- 242/5000 Hardware contracts which are easier to define
since there is a tangible object for trade such as sales
contracts, trial and purchase contracts, lease contracts and
financial lease contracts
- Licensing is one of the common
mechanisms used to transfer
- Licensing is one of the common mechanisms used
to transfer technology among which we have: •
Property item to be licensed • The entity to which
the property license is granted • The geographical
extension of the license • The commercial scope of
the license.
- Depending on the bargaining power of the parties and
the technology involved, the license may be granted
through an agreement, but the terms may vary widely
according to the following elements: • Exclusivity •
Transferability • Recoverability • Territory • Payment
• Finished
- Finally, it can be concluded that
technology as an asset provides the
opportunity to create value from
innovation, be it software or hardware,
there are a lot of options for its
- Managers must identify the different elements
that should be included in a technology contract
as a key factor for a successful negotiation.