Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Management &
School Systems
- Discussion
- Technologies
Frequently Used by
- Garcia, A., Abrego, J., & Jauregui, J. (2019). Technologies frequently used by elementary principals. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(1), 95-105. Retrieved from http://ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/docview/2228629652?accountid=13158
- "Principals have transitions form
managers to instructional leaders that
support innovative technology practice"
(Garcia, Abrego, Jauregui, 2019).
- 75% of principals
in this study
taught themselves
how to use the
- Cell phone was the
primary technology
tool followed by
tablet, laptop then
smart watch.
- Top 3 reason for the
use of a technological
tool: 1 data analysis, 2
internet browsing and
3 internet browsing
and productivity tools
- Principals attitudes
towards technology
and their level of
usage directly
correlates to their
- 55% of principals
used Facebook as
their top social
media resource
- After Facebook
came Instagram,
Snapchat and then
- Curious about how Snapchat is
- Surprised twitter is so
- connection!
- Replay,
Reflect, Refine
- "Teacher make 800 to 1,5000
educational decisions every day"
(Baket, et. al., p. 40, 2017).
- "Video helps teachers reflect on the
impact of their decisions by freeing them
of the burden of teaching and reflecting
simultaneously" (Baket, et. al., p. 41, 2017).
- Coaching with videos
- Allows teachers to see their
practice through their own eyes
- Pre-observation conference:
identify goals and what to
look for during lesson.
- During observation:
coach collects data via video
- After observation: replay and
reflect on video and collect data
- Reflecting conversation has the
potential to focus on many
things rather than a single thing.
- "Why did you make the decision you did,
and what outcome were you hoping for?"
- increased collaboration
between teacher and coach
- Accelerates the habit of master teachers
- goal of reflection rather than action
- Facilitating Administrator'
Instructional Leadership
Through the Use of a Technology
Integration Discussion Protocol
- Mcleod, S. (2015). Facilitating Administrators’ Instructional Leadership Through the Use of a Technology Integration Discussion Protocol. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 10(3), 227–233. doi: 10.1177/1942775115623393
- Administrators and teachers are more intentional
in the ways they use tchnology to support the
technology with rationale.
- higher order: Bloom's taxonomy
- Purposeful integration
- Do students have the opportunity to design,
create, make or other-wise add value that is
unique to them?
- technology should enhance teacher practice
- Accomplished through tech
savy administrators/leaders
- Technology-Rich Unit Design and
Classroom Observation Template
- Purposeful integration
- Principal's Role As
Technology Leader
- The principal's role as TECHNOLOGY LEADER. (2011, November 27). Retrieved from https://www.seenmagazine.us/Articles/Article-Detail/articleid/1800/the-principal-8217-s-role-as-technology-leader.
- "To be a leader of technology
requires a willingness to learn..."
(Grady, 2011).
- "Providing professional development opportunties for
teachers and staff that emphasize the use of technology
and that facilitate integration of technology in student
learning and securing resources to support technology use
and integration in the school" (Grady, 2011).
- Principals set the
example for
technology use as
well as the
technology goal.
- Teacher to teacher
model can help make
apprehensive or
unfamiliar teachers
more familiar with new
technology tools
- Principals set the tone
- Should technology
integration be part of
the evaluation?
- How do principals establish the
classroom technology usage
- Social
- (2012, November 14). Retrieved November 21, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_y89hLeJyc&feature=youtu.be.
- Interview with Joe Mazza,
principal of Knapp Elementary
near Philadelphia
- 1/2 of Canadians use
social media, that's equal
to 17 million people
- Many schools still
send home
papers via folders
- 93% of families in
Mazza's school had
internet at home
- Technology is a great way
to engage more parents
- Free resource!
- Strategies for parents to
choose communication
method: e-mail, zip slip,
twitter, facebook, blogs,
broadcast home and school
meetings every month
- 70% of parents have
- connection!
- How can we broadcast
our PTO meetings?
Facebook live? Zoom?
- Broadcasting
meetings increased
attendance from
5-10 people to 70%
of the parent
- Quick and easy to share out
the pulse of the school.
- Transparent and collaborative
- "Web tools complement
relationships and trust and
partnerships, they don't establish
them" (Mazza, 2012).
- Incorporating
and Accounting
for Social
Media in
- (2016, March 28). Retrieved November 21, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZteEZbAtsNI&feature=youtu.be.
- Resistance to using social
media platforms in educaiton
is similarly transient and will
eventually go by the wayside.
- Use the opportunities
created in certain parts of
the online worlds to try to
complement traditional
- Different mediums of communication
communicate differently
- Texting
intonation or
language and
can cause
- Complementary
- Face to face
gives less time
to think about
- Complementary
- Media provides
various means
- Promotes cross-cultural communication
- Unit 1
- Resources from Unit 1
- However, each website has its own rules
- Facebook and
Twitter are
forms of Social
- Is the problem really
about instructors being
unwilling to use social
media tools, or rather the
- Is Facebook a less professional
platform for engaging with parents
than creating a Canvas space
where parents can participate?