4 Lesson Planning Tips for Teachers


Discover how to create your lesson plan, develop new teaching techniques and activities, and correct work that will lead to the perfect classroom.
Micheal Heffernan
Slide Set by Micheal Heffernan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by miminoma over 9 years ago
Micheal Heffernan
Copied by Micheal Heffernan over 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Slide 1

    Keep documents and material somewhere you can easily access it. Paper is, for the most part, now out of fashion, so we recommend you use a flash drive or create a block of online notes that way you can access and share content more easily.Organise files into different categories such as calendar lesson plan, class information and student presentations.As your needs increase, you can create new folders and topics ad hoc.
    1. Organisation of Material

Slide 2

    2. Lesson Plan
    Establish a pattern to plan student lessons and update it when necessary. For example, if you create a lesson plan using GoConqr Notes , you can review it, add or remove information (including videos and images) make it private or share it with your colleagues whenever necessary.Lay out subjects for students to be as organized as possible. Write down the important information (work, notes, test dates). Always write the title of the subject, which class is taking that subject, the date and, if possible a short summary of the lesson. Information should be clear and succinct. You can create this plan using a Mind Map or note and use the "Play Mode" function  to display the contents and then simply share that Mind Map with students.

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    3. Communication
    You can create a Study Group to communicate with students outside of the classroom, share content, and send messages. Often the question can come from another class, in this case a Study Group is the solution for interaction and sharing ideas.As a teacher you can share class material with your students and keep track of different classes.

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    4. Calendar Activities
    Divide activities into tasks such as: Lesson Plan, Activities for correction and Activities to share. Creating lists gives you more control over everything and helps to prioritize activities.Create an organized work schedule with these tips:(i)  Determine the number of hours students have for each activity during the day and week. Be realistic and seek to balance your routine activities including leisure and rest time. (ii) Choose the best time, (day or night) and set the start time and end. (iii) Re-use the weekly cycle as to avoid repetition of work.

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    Organisational tips for teachers
    Teachers have it tough. Not only do they have to impart a world of information and keep their students engaged and interested for long enough to properly absorb it all, but they must also lead by example. And that means being organised.In this slide set we'll quickly show you how you can use GoConqr to clearly plan, organise and effectively communicate lessons. We've also included some resources to give you further ideas to improve your lesson planning.
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