
Edward Said Homi K. Bhabha Frantz Fenon
Carmen Marco
Mindmap von Carmen Marco, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Carmen Marco
Erstellt von Carmen Marco vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Edward Said
    1. Orientalism
      1. Constructs binary opposition between the Orient and the Occident
        1. The Orient is frequently described in negative terms
          1. The West is superior to the East
      2. Homi K. Babbha
        1. Ambivalence
          1. The complex mix of attraction and repulsion that characterizes the relationship between colonizer and colonized
            1. Hibridity
              1. The creation of new transcultural forms within the contact zone produced by colonization.
                1. Mimicry
                  1. It appears when members of a colonized society imitate and take on the culture of the colonizers.
            2. Frantz Fanon
              1. He stresses the urgent responsability of writers and intellectuals to forge national consciousness in their work as part of the struggle for independence
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