Cognitive theory


Mind map
Damaris Carriel Bajaña
Mindmap von Damaris Carriel Bajaña, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Damaris Carriel Bajaña
Erstellt von Damaris Carriel Bajaña vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Cognitive theory
  1. Processes
    1. Percepcion
      1. Memory
        1. Acquisition
          1. Learning process
            1. Logic
              1. understanding of reality
    2. Cognitive Theorist
      1. Jean Piaget , Lev Vigotsky
      2. When analyzing situations , you will find logic in the work you do
        1. The memory has the ability to retan information from the past so you learn a lot and that knowledge is used in the present
          1. It helps the university student to use his mind in conceps based on his perception to understand what happens in his reality
            1. These cognitive processes help the human being to know each other better and be aware of what to do in any situation in reality
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