Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Jean Piaget
- About
- 1896-1980
- Albert Binet
- noticed children think
differently from adults
- Swiss
- Cognitive Development
- Words
- Schema
- filing cabnet
- Assimilation
- info put into existing schema
- Accommodation
- existing schema changes to
allow for new info
- Stage Theory
- 1. Sensori-motor
Stage (0-2)
- senses & movement
- object permanence
- 2. Pre-Operational
Stage (2-7)
- egocentric
- symbolic play
& animism
- 3. Concrete Operational
Stage (7-11)
- liquid conservation
- reversibility & decentring
- 4. Formal Operational
Stage (12+)
- abstract thinking & consider
different explanations
- inductive & deductive reasoning
- Stages of Play
- 1. Mastery Stage (1-2)
- imitation & repetition
- 3. Game Stage (7)
- play with others;
language used
- 2. Play Stage (3-6)
- plays alone; symbolic