

PLC behavioural studies Mindmap am Perception, erstellt von Casey Fagan am 18/01/2020.
Casey Fagan
Mindmap von Casey Fagan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Casey Fagan
Erstellt von Casey Fagan vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Perception & Sensation co-exist
    1. Internal Cues
      1. 1. Past Experiences
        1. 2. Response Salience
          1. 3. Response Disposition
            1. 4. Learning
              1. 5. Intelligence
                1. 6. Ability
                  1. 7. Training & Education
                    1. 8. Interests
                      1. 9. Goals & Expectations
                        1. 10. Motivation
                          1. 11. Personality
                            1. 12. Emotional State
                              1. 13. Needs
                              2. External Cues
                                1. 1. Size
                                  1. 2. Intensity
                                    1. 3. Contrast
                                      1. 4. Novelty
                                        1. 5. Repetition
                                          1. 6. Movement
                                          2. Gestalt
                                            1. Law of Figure-Ground
                                              1. Law of Grouping
                                                1. Law of Closure
                                                2. Individual's Perceptual World
                                                  1. Categorisation
                                                    1. Langer & Abelson (1974)
                                                    2. Perceptual Expectancies
                                                      1. Rothbart & Birrell (1977)
                                                      2. Selective Perception
                                                        1. Perceptual Defences
                                                          1. Attribution
                                                            1. Internal & External Attribution
                                                              1. Consensus, Consistency, Distinctiveness
                                                            2. Social Perception
                                                              1. Three Interactive Influences:
                                                                1. 1. Characteristics of the person being perceived
                                                                  1. Physical Appearance; age, gender, height, weight, dress. Verbal Communication; accents, tone of voice, articulateness. Non-Verbal Communication; body language, eye contact, shifting posture. Ascribed Attributes; status, occupation.
                                                                  2. 2. Characteristics of the perceiver
                                                                    1. Self-concept; Cognitive structure; Previous experience with the individual
                                                                    2. 3. Characteristics of the location
                                                                      1. Location; Company
                                                                    3. Influencing Factors
                                                                      1. 1. Halo Effect
                                                                        1. 2. Stereotyping
                                                                          1. Nationality; Race/Ethnicity; Age; Gender; Religion; Sexuality
                                                                          2. 3. Projection
                                                                            1. 4. Personality Beliefs
                                                                              1. 5. First Impressions
                                                                                1. 6. Attribution Bias
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