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city and country


Mindmap am city and country, erstellt von Diana Gazdag am 22/01/2020.
Diana Gazdag
Mindmap von Diana Gazdag, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Diana Gazdag
Erstellt von Diana Gazdag vor fast 5 Jahre
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

city and country
  1. housing
    1. services
      1. catering
        1. restaurants
          1. repair and maintenance
        2. career opportunities
          1. safety
            1. environment
              1. healthcare and education
                1. healthcare
                  1. surgeries
                    1. hospitals and clinics
                      1. health centres
                        1. pharmacies
                          1. sports centres
                            1. emergency services
                            2. education
                              1. elementary
                                1. secondary
                                  1. higher education
                                2. your preferences
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