Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Nervous System
- Definition
- It detects and reacts to a stimuli as they reacts to their
surroundings and coordinates their behaviour to survive.
- What is the nervous system
made up of?
- Centeral Nervous System (CNS)- In
vertebrates this consists of the
brain and spinal cord only. In
mammals the CNS is connected by
sensory neurons and motor
- Sensory Neuron- the neurons
that carry information as
electrical impluses from the
receptors to the CNS.
- Motor Neurons- the
neurons that carry
electrical impulses from
the CNS to effectors
- Effectors- all your
muscles and glands,
which respond to
nervous impluses.
- Receptors, Effectors and
Complex Organs
- Recptors ae the cells that detect stimuli, there are
many deffierent types of receptors such as taste
and sound, receptors can form part of larger
complex organs, effectors respond to nervous
impluses and bring about chnageand muslces and
glands respond in defferent ways. Muscles contract
in response to nervous impluses whereas glands
secrete hormones.
- The Central Nervous System
(CNS) Coordinates the
- The CNS is a coordination center- it
recieves information from the receptors
and then coordinates the response. The
response is then carried out by effectors.