Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Brain
- The brain is responsible
for Complex Behaviours
- The brain is part of the Central
Nervous System and different
regions have different functions
they are in charge of.
- Parts of the Brain
- Cerebral Cortex
- Outer part which is responsible for
things such as consciousness,
intellegence, memory and language.
- Medulla
- Controls unconscious activities like
breathing and your heartbeat.
- Cerebellum
- Responsible for muscle coordination
- Mehtods used to study the
- Studying pateints with brain
- If a small part of the brain has been damaged, the
effect this has on the patient can tell you a lot
about what the damaged part does.
- Electrically stimulating
the brain
- By pushing a tiny electrode into the
tissue and giving it a small zap of
electricity. By observing what
stimulating different parts of the brain
does it gives an idea of what each part
- MRI Scans
- Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) scanner porduces a
detailed picture of the brain and
helps identify each part and its