Tom Middendorf


Mindmap am Tom Middendorf, erstellt von Tom Middendorf am 19/02/2015.
Tom  Middendorf
Mindmap von Tom Middendorf, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Tom  Middendorf
Erstellt von Tom Middendorf vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Tom Middendorf
  1. Faith


    • My faith is the foundation of all of my values.  It impacts almost every part of my life!
    1. FAMILY


      • My family is so important to me.  They are the most important thing on this earth.  I would be lost without them. 
      1. Love
        1. Acceptance
          1. Legacy
            1. Leadership
              1. Responsibility
              2. Work


                • My work is my legacy.  I love people.  I want to help them, develop them, and lead them.  God has opened amazing doors for me to do what I do and I believe I am using my gifts and talents to honor Him.
                1. Success
                  1. Excellence
                    1. Legacy
                      1. Education
                        1. Leadership
                        2. Education


                          • I believe in the quote, "Feed a man a fish and you have fed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish, and you have fed him for a lifetime." 
                          1. Innovation
                            1. Life Long Learning
                              1. Sharpening the Saw
                              2. Service


                                • I value service and seek to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ to serve those around me. 
                                1. Leadership
                                  1. Church
                                    1. Work
                                      1. Family
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