
Mapa mental donde explican los contenidos del curo: Juego Gerencial
Edwin  Duran
Mindmap von Edwin Duran, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Edwin  Duran
Erstellt von Edwin Duran vor etwa 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. UNIT 1: Strategic Decisions
    1. Finance and strategies value creation
      1. Mechanisms what do you think value
        1. Capital Budget
          1. Finance Strategies
            1. Financial engineering
              1. Growth and diversification
              2. Stages of an investment
                1. To establish objectives
                  1. Identify potential investment
                    1. Select an investment
                  2. Tools for the taking of decisions in the organizations
                    1. They are tools to manage and order the changes, where define the goals of the organization and set up strategies
                    2. The taking of decisions in the organization
                      1. Concepts basics in the taking of decisions
                      2. Socket of decisions
                        1. Short term
                          1. Long term
                          2. A support to process of the taking of decisions managerial
                            1. Tools proposed by authors belonging to the field of strategy from the mid-twentieth century to the present and that can be used to facilitate the decision-making process business decisions.
                            2. Assessment indicators financial
                              1. They are used to weigh and evaluate the results of the company's operations, said Indicators are the ratio of one number to another within or among the financial statements of a company that allow weighing and evaluating the results of the company's operations.
                            3. UNIT 2: Tools Business Management
                              1. Contract Analysis Joint Venture and its mechanisms of Financing.
                                1. It constitutes a very interesting contribution since it seeks to inform the civil structure of said contract and whose objective or purpose is of a business nature.
                                2. Benchmarking como estrategia competitiva para las MIPYMES
                                  1. The importance of Benchmarking in the field of MSMEs and search with This is a significant improvement on this type of companies that do so much good to society
                                  2. The Balanced Scorecard as efficiency tool in Business management.
                                    1. inquire about the particular characteristics linked to deficiencies in the execution of the strategies and proposes a bibliographic review of the management tool Balanced Scorecard as an alternative solution to the problem posed.
                                    2. Downsizing: Is Less Still More? Overview
                                    3. UNIT 3: Skills managers for the decision making
                                      1. Main skills generential
                                        1. Own management
                                          1. Conflict management
                                            1. Communication skills
                                            2. Coaching
                                              1. Skills directives
                                                1. All the necessary skills to manage with affinity, lead with precision and successfully lead a organization
                                                2. Handbook from coaching
                                                  1. Process in which a person or a group of people are placed under the tutelage of a coach who observes, assists, guides, accompanies, motivates and evaluates over a period of time determined or during the development of a draft
                                                  2. Competencies Managerial
                                                    1. Skills
                                                      1. Knowledge
                                                        1. Aptitudes
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