Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Online Book Study: Literacy Is Not
- Course Description: In this course you will go beyond "why" education needs to change and focus on "how" to chance
by identifying the 21st-century fluencies: solution, information
- Develop unit plans that address traditional curiculum, including Common Core State Standards while cultivating
21st-century fluencies.
- Examine how we currently teach students to learn and to think. Apply how does it need to change
- Anticipation Guide/Discussion
- ExamTime: MindMap
- Explain what it means to be a facilitar of learning instead of a guardian of knowledge
- Socrative: Poll & Quiz
- Discussion
- Infographic
- Interview
- Evlaue lesson plans that are effective in developing these fluencies in a classroom/learning management system .
- Explain how developing long-term educational goals will benefit students and yourself.
- Tricider: Online Debate
- Guide students with the 6Ds: Define, Discover, Dream, Deisgn, Deliver, and Debrief
- Written Reflection or Video Blog
- Develop a personal learning community in order to share expertise, and work collaboratively to improve teaching skills
and the academic performance of students.
- Explain how the curriculum is an excellent place to start when creating lessons for 21st-century fluency
- Written Reflection or Video Blog
- Design a Unit Plan Encompassing 21st-century Fluencies
- Presentation
- Peer Feedback
- Project
- TAG Team Project