Induction of Labour


Mindmap am Induction of Labour, erstellt von Ice Berg am 04/04/2020.
Ice Berg
Mindmap von Ice Berg, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Ice Berg
Erstellt von Ice Berg vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Induction of Labour
  1. common indication
    1. indication
      1. Prolonged Pregnancy
        1. Most common
          1. aka post term & post date
            1. pregnancies beyond 42 weeks of gestation
              1. associated with
                1. High risk of still birth
                  1. fetal compromise in labour
                    1. meconium aspiration
                      1. mechanical problem at delivery
                      2. IOL Recommend b/w 41-42 weeks gestational
                      3. Fetal Growth Restriction
                        1. DM
                          1. Prelabour rupture of membrane
                            1. not uncommon for the membranes to rupture and the subsequent onset of labour to be significantly delayed.
                              1. risk for ascending infection
                                1. chorioamnionitis
                                  1. neonatal infectious morbility
                                2. Twin pregnancy continue beyond 38 weeks
                                  1. Preeclampsia & maternal hypertensive disorder
                                    1. Unexplained antepartum haemorrhage
                                      1. Deteriorating Mental Illness
                                        1. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
                                          1. Maternal iso-immunisation red cell antigens
                                            1. Social reason
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