Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Epistemology
- Reason and Experience
- Rationalism
- A priori
- Analytic
- Deductive
- At least some
knowledge is known
- Innatism
- Empiricism
- A posteriori
- Synthetic
- Inductive
- All knowledge is
gained through
- Tabula rasa
- Locke
- Hume
- Innate Concepts
- Maths
- Plato's Meno
- God
- Grammar
- Definition of Knowledge
- Sufficient
- Gettier
- Jane's vase
- Necessary
- The self-doubting student
- Gettier
- Man with ten coins
- Henry's barns
- Additional
- Causal condition
- Valid Justification
- Theories of Perception
- Direct Realism
- Being in direct contact
with a mind
independent reality
- Aristotle
- Indirect Realism
- The Veil of Perception
- Primary Qualities
- Shape
- Size
- Movement
- Don't change
- Pass straight
through the veil
- Secondary Qualities
- Colour
- Smell
- Sound
- Reflect off of the
veil before being
- Changable
- powers
- Locke
- Being in indirect
contact with a mind
independent reality
- Locke
- This can lead to
sceptism about the
existence of an
external world
- Idealism
- The only things
that exist are
minds and ideas
- I Think Therefore I Am
- Philosophy of Religion
- Arguments for the existence of God
- Teleological
- A posteriori, synthetic and inductive
- Paley's Watch Analogy
- When walking upon a heath kicking
stones, a man comes across a watch.
He picks it up and admires it. He
claims that this watch is so complex
and intricate, that it must have had
a designer, a watch-maker. He then
thought about the world and in a
similar way he said, the world is so
complex that it too must have a
designer, a world-maker, God.
- Against
- Evolution
- Provides an alternative theory
as to how the world became so
- Ontological
- Analytic
- Against
- Kant
- Existence is not a predicate
- Guanilo's Island
- Anselm
- God is that than no greater
can be concieved
- Real>Imaginairy
- Descartes
- God is perfect
- Cosmological
- Kalam et al
- Everything that begins to exist has a cause, the universe began to
exist, therefore something must have caused the universe.
- Relies on contingency
- Red Shift
- Against
- Brute fact
- What caused God?
- Aquinas
- Implications of the existence of God
- Problem of Evil
- 1. God is omnibenevolent
- 2. God is omnipotent
- 3. There is evil
- Therefore God does not exist
- Against
- Additional premises
- 1a. A good thing eliminates a bad thing as far as it can
- 2a. There is no limit to what an omnipotent thing can do
- 3a. Good is opposed to evil
- Therefore a good, omnipotent thing eliminates evil completely
- Therefore God does exist
- Omniscience
- God does not exist
- Free Will Defence
- The only way to make all good
people, is to deny them free will.
- Natural Evil is due to fallen angels.
- Against
- Mackie
- Swinburne
- Evil exists for the greater good
- Religious Language
- Verification
- If a statement cannot
be proved analytically
or empirically, then it
is meaningless.
- Statement fails under
it's own conditions
- Falsification
- The Gardener
- Two explorers came across a clearing. The first explorer
saw the flowers and trees and said, "there must be a
gardener of this beautiful garden". The second explorer
sees the weeds and disagrees. They wait all day and all
night, they set up electric fences and sniffer dogs. But
the gardener doesn't show up. The first explorers is
constantly adding attributes to his gardener, "He's
invisible, unsmellable and intangible". The second
explorer asks, "How is your invisible, unsmellable,
intangible gardener any different from an imaginairy
- Flew
- Cannot be falsified
and so is meaningless
- Against
- The Partisan
- Mitchell
- During the time of a war a Partisan meets a
stranger claiming to be the leader of the resistance.
The stranger urges the Partisan to have faith in
him, even if he is seen to be acting against the
Partisan's interests. The Partisan is committed to a
belief in the stranger's integrity, but his friends
think that he is a fool to do so. The original
encounter with the stranger gives the Partisan
sufficient confidence to hold onto his faith in him.
- The Lunatic
- Hare
- Disproving something by
proving it can't be
- James in the library
- Attributes of God
- Omnipotent
- The stone
- The square circle
- Transcendent
- Beyond any experience or concept
- In and Out of time
- Euthyphro
- God < > Good