Learning Aim B


Mindmap am Learning Aim B, erstellt von Huey FREEMAN am 01/05/2020.
Mindmap von Huey FREEMAN, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Huey FREEMAN vor fast 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Learning Aim B
  1. Key Terms
    1. Threats
      1. an incident or action which is deliberate or unintended that results in disruption, down time or data loss
        1. internal
          1. caused by an incident inside an orgaisation
          2. external
            1. caused outside the organisation
        2. Attack
          1. a deliberate action towards a organisations digital system or data
          2. cyber security
            1. the range of measuresthat can be taken to protect a computer system
            2. unauthorised access
              1. refers to someone gaining entry without permission to organisations system, software or data. This achieved by exploiting a security vunerability
                1. Hacker
                  1. is someone who seeks out, and exploits these vunerabilities
                    1. 3 types of hacker
                      1. white
                        1. working with organisations to help them with security systems
                        2. grey
                          1. do it for fun with no intent of damage
                          2. black
                            1. try to cause damage by compromising security systems
                  2. Why are systems attacked link


                    1. MALWARE
                      1. Virus
                        1. A piece of malicious code that attaches to a legitimate program. It is capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer
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