Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Globalisation- Factors accelerating
- TNCs
- Have brought cultural as well as
economic changes to places where
products are made and consumed
- TNCs have shifted production from more developed countries to
developing countries (GLOBAL SHIFT) and at the same time created
global connections and trade links
- Transport
- International travel has become incresingly
easier. Recent cheap flights companies e.g.
Ryan air have allowed mass travel
- international organisations
- international Monetary Fund for example
has been able to channel loans from the
richest countries to countries who apply
for help. other examples include WTO and
NGOs such as Oxfam who connect places
and people through flows aid or debt
- The World Trade Organisations has promoted free trade. Trade blocs like the EU have
encouraged free and easier trade between groups of countries. The IMF provides loans to
governments to help them develop and trade
- High oil prices in the 1970s created wealth in
countries like OPEC members which kick started
their economies and generated wealth that could
be invested elsewhere
- Markets
- More people have enough wealth to
consume large amounts of goods and
services. Lead to the growth of stock
markets e.g. London, Shanghai
- The global insatiable appetite for more and more goods,
services and food has led to soaring demand for finite
resources. Supplies are therefore exploited all around the
world. China will be the world's largest market within the
next five years
- Government controls on banks, interest rates and companies have been
reduced which has allowed easier access for investments globally on stock
markets e.g. Wall Street in New York
- Communter and IT
- Computer aided design and manufacturing have
allowed it to become more flexible and less reliant on
human labour. IT technology allows managers to keep in
touch via email and video conferencing
- Media coporations
- Large media organisations such as BBC and Fox news, CNN etc are seen all over the
world influencing people's ideas and expectations. Movies and TV channels also have a
roles to play in changing people's way of life.
- Large global media corporations like News
International CNN and the BBC have global
reach and present similar 'world views' of
news items which contributes to the
feeling of a connected world