Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Humanism history
- shape the XIV and XV mindset
- anthropocentric mindset
- star human creations:
- arts
- sciences
- reasoning
- ideas
- literature
- theocentrism
- is the belief that the
Christian god is the
central aspect to our
- – ThisappearedinthelastcenturiesoftheMedievalPeriodwiththe creation of cities
and universities. – Education was carried out by the church.
- Education was carried out by the church. Students were taught to read and write, but new
schools appeared for gifted students who were now able to improve their skills.
- The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg
- characteristics of humanism
- focus of human begin
- Appear new possibilities to
interpret the world, not just
biblical texts
- recovery of ancient
- Manuscripts from the
medieval period are
rejected, they are
considered biased.
- importance of critical
- Reasoning, Being
critical ,No