Zusammenfassung der Ressource
learning aim B:cyber security
- Threat
- A threat is an incident or an action
which is unintended or deliberate
that results in disruption,
downtime or data loss
- Internal
- Caused by an incident inside an
- External threat
- Caused by an incident outside an
- Hacker
- A person who looks to seek out and
exploit these vulnerabilities
- black hat: they try to inflict damage by
compromising security systems
- Attack
- An attack is a deliberate actin targeting an
organisations digital system or data
- Grey Hat: they do it for fun with no intent of
causing any harm
- White Hat: working with the organisation to
strengthen the security system
- Unauthorised Access
- This refers to someone gaining entry without permission
to an organisation’s system, software or data. This
achieved by exploiting a security vulnerability
- Why are systems attacked?
- Fun/Challenge
- Sense of achievement
- Can be fun or a achallenge
- Friends may give you more respect
- Financial gain
- Ransoms can be made to prevent
attacks from happening
- Ransomware can be used to
encrypt a computer until
you pay
- A payment is given to carry
out an attack on a
- Disruption
- Attacks such as Denial-of-Service stop
websites working
- Viruses can slow down
computers and delete files