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GCSE AQA Biology 1 Diet and Exercise
- Balanced Diet
- Diet must provide
energy you need
(not more)
- Food Groups
- Carbohydrates
- Fats
- To keep warm and release energy
- Protein
- For growth, cell repair and cell replacement
- Fibre
- To keep everything moving smoothly through digestive system
- Vitamins and Mineral Ions
- To keep your skin, bones, blood and everything else generally healthy
- Water
- Metabolic Rate
- Speed at which chemical reactions happen in the body
- Affected by...
- Gender
- Amount of exercise
- Genetics
- Muscle to Fat ratio
- Size - more cells
- Unbalanced Diet
- Malnutrition
- Having too much or too little of one or more food groups (having an unbalanced diet)
- Eating too much...
- Obesity
- Caused by excess carbs or fat in diet (bad diet), overeating or lack of exercise
- Common in developed countries
- 20% or more over max.
recommended body mass
- Health Problems
- * Arthritis
* Type 2 Diabetes
* High Blood Pressure
* Heart Disease
* Some Cancers
- More sat. fat
increases cholesterol
- Too much salt causes high blood
pressure/heart problems
- Eating too little
- Particularly in developing countries
- Health Problems
- * Slow growth (in children)
* Fatigue
* Poor resistance to infection
* Irregular periods (in women)
- Deficiency Diseases
- Caused by lack of vits and mins...
* Vitamin C - Scurvy
* Protein - Wasting of body tissue
* Vitamin D - Rickets
* Calcium - Weak bones and teeth
* Iron - Anaemia
* Vitamin A - Poor night vision
- Doing exercise
- More exercise usually = healthier
- Increases amount of energy used
and decreases amount stored as fat
- Builds muscle - boosts metabolic rate
- Can still be malnourised
- Inherited Factors
- May inherit underactive
thyroid gland
- Can lower metabolic rate and cause obesity
- High cholesterol
- Cholesterol is a fatty substance needed for good heath.
Some inherited factors can increase its levels.
- Evaluating Diets
- Large survey can tell if diet is effective
- To lose weight...
- ...take in less energy than you use
- Eat less fat or carbs and do more exercise