Changes in Spain (18th century)


History Mindmap am Changes in Spain (18th century), erstellt von Sergio Antia am 24/09/2013.
Sergio Antia
Mindmap von Sergio Antia, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Sergio Antia
Erstellt von Sergio Antia vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Changes in Spain (18th century)
  1. Dynasty
    1. Heirs
      1. Philip of Anjou
        1. France
          1. The Crown of Castilla
            1. Felipe V
            2. Archduke Charles of Austria
              1. Austria
                1. Great Britain
                  1. The Crown of Aragón
                2. War of Spanish Succession
                  1. Treaty of Utrecht
                    1. Treaty of Rastatt
                  2. Centralisation
                    1. Central government
                      1. Cortes
                      2. Regional government
                        1. Local government
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