Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Factors affecting
quality of retail
- Asthetics
- Coulers
- Buildings
- Shop windoes
- Architecture
- Historic buildings
- shop lay outs
- heritege
- Band stand
- Parks
- clean
- Big
- play areas
- water features for
example Shelley
fountain Horsham
- (lake sea or River)
- Originality
- shapes
- Buildings
- Safety
- on most streets
- Police
- walking
round area
- Crossings
- on roads
surounding shops
- railings on
high areas
- street lights
- fire escapes
- easy access
- public
- trains
- bus stops
- lots of parking
- dissabled
- elivators
- Lifts
- good system for example
Horsham have smart park
a tiket less parking system
- many
and exits
- fire escapes
- disabled/push
chair access
- Ramps
- lifts
- Disabiled parking for
example the pavilion
- Toilets
- quality for pedestrians
- pedestrianised areas
for example west street
- lots of road crossings
- safe
- proximity to carpark
- good sign posts
- maps
- train stations
- shops
- Chain stores
- recognised and
trusted names
- JD
- TK max
- range of shops
- toys
- clothes
- food
- unusual/Unique shops
- eg gunshop in
- Specialist shops
- Skate shops
- Music shops
- Chocolate shops
- Lesure
- facilities for children/Teens
- play areas
- indoor
- For examle Horsham have Jungle
Fun an indoor play area located
close to town with a Coffee shop
and a swimming pool right next
- green spaces/Parks
- Zoo
- Bowling alleys
- Skate park
- Skate shops
- Keeps them out of town
- Fun fair
- restaurants
- swimming pools
- sport fasilities
- Cinenemas
- coffee shops
- museum
- Tourism
- Historic buildings
- History
- Arcitecture
- Art scaupltures
- Unique
- Info
- Town trail
- For example Horsham hav a
series of metal placs showing
intresting facts about Historical
charicters that lived In horsham .
- Green space
- Cleanlyness
- Litter Bins
- Cleaners
- cleans toilets