Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- living thing
non living thing
- living thing
- human
- animal
- plant
- fresh air
- habitat
- fresh air
- carbon dioxide
- healthy
- non living thing
- stone
- house
- sand
- mother earth
- protect the enviorment
- recycle
- by not smoking
- trowing rubbish
- responsibilty
- to make
- clean
- tidy
- beautiful
- ecology
- same as ecosysthem
- relationship
- example
- sun
- plant
- animal
- human
- give out carbon dioxide
- give human oxygen
- animal
- food chain
- food web
- Reproduction in animal
- leaf
- caterpilar
- butterfly
- that means catterpillar eat leaf , butterfly eat catterpillar
- plant
- stigma
- ovary
- ovum
- pollen grain
- place
- mountain
- dessert
- rainforest
- ocean
- tree
- hot
- cammel
- captain