Syllabus gramatical


Aspectos característicos de un programa gramatical para el idioma extranjero.
Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo
Mindmap von Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo
Erstellt von Jhon Jairo Patiño Acevedo vor mehr als 4 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Syllabus gramatical
  1. Methodology
    1. "This methodology is based on the translation of the text, in which linguistic knowledge is developed" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 4).
      1. Image taken from Ruiz López (2014).
      2. "The methodology used in this case is the translation of texts, songs, etc." (Ayala, 2015, p. 6).
        1. Image taken from Bracamonte (2009, p. 1).
          1. Image taken from Bracamonte (2009, p. 4).
          2. "Grammar-translation" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 3).
            1. Image taken from Callejas Gaona (2015, p. 3).
            2. "Reading and communication method" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 3).
              1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 3).
              2. "The teacher chooses the structures that the student must learn" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 4).
                1. Image taken from Gómez Balaguera (2015, p. 5).
                2. "A set of vocabulary and main words is selected according to the themes" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 4).
                  1. Video taken from Yes in English (2017).
                  2. "Exercises are designed to put structures and vocabulary into practice" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 4).
                    1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 4).
                    2. "Complete, translate, write" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 4).
                      1. Video taken from English Kike Rodríguez (2018).
                    3. Examples
                      1. Image taken from Ayala (2015, p. 5).
                        1. "The student will learn the article, the name and its forms, the adjective and its forms" (Beltrán, 2015, p. 5).
                          1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 4).
                          2. "Adjetivos posesivos" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 2).
                            1. Video tomado de Cómo Digo (2016).
                            2. Imagen tomada de García Leyton (2015, p. 3).
                            3. Strategies
                              1. "The teacher can use individual work" (Ayala, 2015, p. 7).
                                1. Image taken from Gabriel (2019).
                                2. "Pronunciation and mechanization practices" (Ayala, 2015, p. 7).
                                  1. Image taken from Gómez Balaguera (2015, p. 1).
                                  2. "Find words in Spanish to form sentences in English" (Ayala, 2015, p. 7).
                                    1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 3).
                                    2. "Group transcriptions of words, sentences and paragraphs" (Ayala, 2015, p. 7).
                                      1. Image taken from Gabriel (2019).
                                      2. "Readings, workshops, explanations on the board" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 4).
                                        1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 4).
                                        2. "Los ejercicios de memorización y mecanización" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 5).
                                          1. Image taken from Gómez Balaguera (2015, p. 4).
                                          2. "Translations of easy texts, in a group way where knowledge is socialized" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 5)
                                            1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 3)
                                            2. "Make a glossary of words" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 5).
                                              1. Image taken from Gabriel (2019).
                                              2. "The teacher can work on individual activities" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 5).
                                                1. Image taken from Gabriel (2019).
                                              3. Means
                                                1. "Humans, stationery, graphs, board" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 6).
                                                  1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 6)
                                                2. Activities
                                                  1. "Translation of texts" García Leyton (2015, p. 6).
                                                    1. Image taken from Gutiérrez (2019).
                                                    2. "Mating activities between the English text and the translation" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 6).
                                                      1. Image taken from Wall Street English Argentina (2019).
                                                      2. "Make dialogues of common day-to-day conversations" (García Leyton, 2015, p. 6).
                                                        1. Image taken from Barragán Hernández (2016, p. 7).
                                                          1. Image taken from Barragán Hernández (2016, p. 8).
                                                            1. Image taken from Barragán Hernández (2016, p. 9).
                                                            2. "The teacher can use dynamics" (Ayala, 2015, p. 8).
                                                              1. Image taken from Gabriel (2019).
                                                              2. "Images or drawings regarding the text to be translated" (Ayala, 2015, p. 8).
                                                                1. Image taken from Yuste Frías (2011, p. 268).
                                                                  1. Image taken from Yuste Frías (2011, p. 269).
                                                                    1. Image taken from Yuste Frías (2011, p. 270).
                                                                    2. "Daily dialogues of common situations" (Ayala, 2015, p. 8).
                                                                      1. Image taken from Gómez Balaguera (2015, p. 6).
                                                                      2. "Dialogues, cards, word searches, crossword puzzles" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 5).
                                                                        1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 5).
                                                                        2. "Dialogues, flascards, alphabet soup" (Hernández, 2017, p. 4).
                                                                          1. Video taken from Alphabet Soups (2015).
                                                                            1. Video taken from MexCan (2019).
                                                                              1. Video taken from Anders (2019).
                                                                            2. Role of student
                                                                              1. "Students learn vocabulary, and the simplest to the most complex structures" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 7).
                                                                                1. Image taken from Castañeda (2015, p. 5).
                                                                              2. Role of teacher
                                                                                1. "Teaches the grammar, vocabulary and structure of English" (Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar, 2015, p. 7).
                                                                                  1. Image taken from Dulcey Durán & Quintero Escobar (2015, p. 7).


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