Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Buss 1989; Procedures
- The research method was a cross-cultural
questionnaire (x2)
- Buss' sample consisted of 10,047 pps from 33
countries (37 countries)
- Sample size varied between 55 in Iran to nearly
1500 in USA. Sampling methods varied e.g
volunteer in Germany & opportunist in New
Zealand. Zulu's who could not read had the
questions read out.
- The mean sample size per country was 272 and the mean age of all the pps was 23.
- The research involved;
- Sending out 2 questionnaires, asking pps about their
preferences in a partner based on 5 things: financial
status, looks, age, chastity and ambition.
- The questionnaire involved subsections that
included biographical data (checking age, gender,
at what age they would like to marry etc.) and a
rating task of 18 characteristics.
- 4 of the critical characteristics (exception = age) were buried within the list
to be rated. The irrelevant characteristics included "dependable character"
and "sociability." Each was rated on a 4 point scale; from 3 (indispensable)
to 0 (irrelevant or unimportant.)
- The second questionnaire asked pps to rank order 13, including
critical characteristics - financial prospects and looks - this tested
reliability across methods.
- Buss got bilingual speaker to translate the questionnaires into all the necessary
languages and then to translate the answers back again. THE NATIVE
- Addressing Ethical Issues
- Respected cultural differences by changing the Nigerian wording to allow
for more than one wife.