Asch 1955; Findings & Conclusions


AS level PY2 Mindmap am Asch 1955; Findings & Conclusions, erstellt von oliviaclifton am 25/03/2015.
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Asch 1955; Findings & Conclusions
  1. Findings
    1. Naïve pps conformed to the incorrect answer when judging the length of lines on 36.8% of the critical trials
      1. In normal circumstances (without misleading majority) pps made mistakes less than 1% of the time
        1. About 1/4 of naïve pps never conformed to the majority
          1. Asch found that pps were consistent in their answer e.g those who started independently continued to give their own answers.
            1. Asch found in a group of one confederate, pps did not conform. The pps conformed more as the size of the group increased (2 confederates = 13.6%, 3 confederates = 31.8%)
              1. He also found that conformity to the majority declined if the pp had an ally who told the truth
                1. Some of Asch's pps also reported that;
                  1. They conformed in order "not to spoil your results."
                    1. They conformed because they believed their answers were wrong
                      1. That they did NOT conform because of "confidence in their own judgement."
                      2. Conclusions
                        1. Social pressure makes some people conform to the majority
                          1. Some people seem to be able to resist this social pressure ad remain independent
                            1. If the majority is ot unanimous, then conformity declines
                              1. The tendency to conformity (in our society so strong that reasonably intelligent and well meaning young people are willing to call black white) is a matter of concern."
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