Contemporary Issues In Sport


PE A2 Mindmap am Contemporary Issues In Sport, erstellt von jacobc1596 am 29/09/2013.
Mindmap von jacobc1596, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jacobc1596 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Contemporary Issues In Sport
    1. Characteristics
      1. Invites large sponsorship deals
        1. Worldwide media attention
          1. Attracts the interest of large audiences
            1. Development of sporting facilities
              1. Brings nations together in one sporting event
                1. Brings elite performers together
                  1. Commercial profit (merchandise, TV rights)
                  2. Impact on Individual
                    1. Players wish to compete at the highest levels
                      1. Players wish to compete against elite athletes
                        1. National pride of competing for their country
                          1. Players wish to achieve personal goals
                            1. Players wish to live up to expectations from friends and family
                              1. Players may have been inspired by role models from past games
                                1. Motivated by high competitive drive
                                2. Impact on host country
                                  1. Social
                                    1. Economic
                                      1. Cultural
                                      2. Impact on government
                                      3. CONTRACT TO COMPETE, DEVIANCE, and the LAW
                                        1. Sportsmanship
                                          1. Gamesmanship
                                          2. Rational Recreation
                                            1. Development of transport links
                                              1. Urban
                                                1. Machine time
                                                  1. Rules/codifictation
                                                    1. Regular
                                                      1. Regional/national
                                                      2. Commercialisation of elite sport
                                                        1. Emergence


                                                          • Commercial developments occurred on the nineteenth century as spectator sports emerged. Most of the population had increased free time and disposable income, and were in need of excitement.  This was exploited by agents and promoters who saw that they could make money from organising sporting events.
                                                          1. Media
                                                            1. Money
                                                              1. Sponsorship
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