Zusammenfassung der Ressource
B1 understanding organisms 2
- Malaria
- caused by a protozoan called plasmodium
- feed on human red
blood cells
- plasmodium is a parasite, humans
are host
- parasite feed on another
living organism causing it
- carried by
affected by disease
- transmitted to
humans by mosquito bites
- knowledge of mosquito lifestyle has helped stop spread
- draining stagnant water
- putting oil on top of water surface
- spraying insecticide
- helped develop new
- cancers
- change in lifestyle and
diet can reduce risk of
- not smoking reduces lung cancer
- using sunscreen reduces skin cancer risk
- benign tumour cells such as warts divide slowly
so are harmless
- cancers are malignant tumours, uncontrolled growth and spread
- survival and mortality rates should
be considered
- fight against illness
- pathogens are disease causing organism
- produce the symptoms of an infectious
disease by damaging body cells or producing
poisonous waste products called toxins
- the body protects itself by
producing antibodies
- lock onto antigens on the
surface of pathogens such
as bacterium.
- kills pathogen
- human white blood cells
- produce antibodies
- this results in active immunity
- long lasting
- vaccination using antibodies from another human or
animal result in passive immunity which is a quick but
short term affect
- each pathogen ha sits own antigens so a specifically
antibody is needed for each pathogen
- process of immunisation is called vaccination
- injects harmless pathogen carrying antigens
- antigens trigger a response by whoite blood cells,
producing correct antibodies
- memory cells a type of T-lymphocyte
cell remai s in body providing long
lasting immunity to that disease
- carries small risk but avoids lethal of effect of pathogen
- decreases spread of disease
- treatments and trials
- antibiotics and antiviral drugs are specific in their action
- antibiotic destroys pathogen
- antiviral slows down pathogen development
- new treatments such as vaccinations use animal testing,
human tissue and computer models before human trials
- a placebo is a harmless pill
- used in comparison drug testing
- effect of new drug
can be assessed
- blind trial- patent doesn't
know fake/real
- excessive use of antibiotics results
in resistant forms of bacteria being
more common than non resistant
- reistnat MRSA has thrived causing
seriosu ilnness
- double blind trial
patient or doctor doesn't know
- avoid bias and feel good
- The eye
- Learn functions pf eye
- binocular vison helps judge distance by comparing
images from each eye, the more different they are the
nearer the object
- the eye can focus light from distant or near
objects . this is calle ACCOMADTAION
- to focus light on distant objects the ciliary muscles relax and
suspensory ligaments tighten so the lens has a less rounded
- to focus on near object ciliary muscles tighten and suspensory
ligamnets slacken so the lens regains a more round shape, a
concave lens to correct short sight
- red-green colour blindness is caused by lack of
specialised cells in the retina
- long and short sight is caused by eyeball or lens being the wrong
shape . in long sights the eyeball is too short or lens is too thin so
image is focused behind the retina, In short sight the eyeball is
too long or lens is too rounded so lens refracts light too much so
image focused in front of retina
- corneal surgery or glasses or contact
lenses correct long nd short sight .
- convex lens corrects long sight. concave lens
corrects short sight
- Nerve cells
- they are neurone, nerve impulseles
pass along axon
- stimulus...receptor...sensory neuron...central
nervous sutem...motor neuron...effector....reponse
- reflex
- spinal refelex = receptor...sensory
neurone...relay neruone...mptor
- neurone are adapted to being long,branched
endings to pic up impulses and having an
insulator sheath
- the gap between neurones is a
synapse, impulse triggers release of
transmitter substance which
diffused across the synapse. The
transmitter substmace binds with
receptor molecules in the
membrane of the next neurone
causing the impulse to continue.