Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Cardiac muscle
- It is a striated muscle
- Produces own impulses and
can contract spontanously
- Regulated by nervous
- Also called miocardate
- They have miosine and
actine filaments
- Cells are interconnected with each other
- United with the other
myocardium cells by
electric sinapsis
- All myocardium cells are electrically united
- Tubular structure
- Communication unions are
located on the sides of the cell
- Action potential produced anywhere
on these cells can be undone by
communcative cells
- A myocardium works as a unique fuctional unit
- 2 myocardiums
- Auricular
- Ventricular
- Action potential are originated in pacemaker cells
- Ca2+
- Works as a messenger
- Ca2+ channels sensible to voltage
- The docking of excitation is slower
than in Skeletical muscle