Zusammenfassung der Ressource
exploitation of irelands
- developed 8000 yrs
ago. raised+blanket
- raised bog: shallow depressions,midlands,12m deep
blanket bogs:upland regions,westernseaboard, 3/4m deep.
- traditional methods:meitheals used
sleans to cut turf and brought home by
pony and cart
- meitheals:group of neighbours/friends who work together in rural ireland
slean:l shaped spade
- 1946 irish government set up bord na mona to exploit
irish bogs. also to make country more self sufficiant.
- modern production:developed modern
machinery,bogs were drained so water would
run off and peat would compress
- 1,ditcher drained bog 2,grader levels surface 3,miller scraps loose layer of peat 4,harrowed by harrow to
dry it 5, peat is gathered in long ridges+covered in plastic(rain) 6,ridges brought to power station/factory by
light railways
- peat used to generate electricity or
proccessed into briquettes/garden
- products:horticulture(moss
peat,seed+pottingcompost) peatbriquettes,milled
peat(generate electricity)