Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Effect of global climate change
- The need for conservation of biodiversity
- allowing biodiversity to decline means
genetic divercity will also decline and
lose the natural soloution to some of our
- wild animals and plants may hold the arnswer to
problems caused by climate change
- They have has thousands of years to
evolve and adapted to overcome
problems by the environment
- we maybe able to breed new crop varites to
cope with the conditions
- genetic engeerning to produce
transgenic species
- new medicines found in wild plants
- important to maintain genetic
diversity in plants due to the
potential that exists in the rage
that is alive
- Importance of genetic diversity
- With out, plants and animals would
not be able to adapt to changes in the
- Threats include
- Chanages in the climate
- Increase levels of pollution
- New disesases
- New pests
- humans affect the GD of natural habitats
- reduces the gene pool and
decreases genetic variation
- Agriculture
- monoculture
- reduces variation and genetic diversity
- leads to extintion whithin a species
- genetic erosion
- selective breeding
- Climate change
- species will not be able to adapt to
climate change and will have to
- animals and plant will move
towards poles
- however their are
obstructions to
- human developments
- Agricultural land
- Large bodies of water
- Humans
- agriculture
- several factors
effecting agraculture
and biodivercity
- Higher CO2 levels , altering photosynthersis
- Higher temps increacing growth rates
- Longer growing seasons
- Greater evporation of water ,so grater
- Change in distrabution of preceptition
- Loss of land due to rise in sea level
- we have developed plants that
have a high % yeald and little vairation
- they will be unable to evolve and
adapt to a changing enviroment
- Dieseases
- crops being grown in
new areas will
encounter new
dieseases and pests
- they have no resistance
- higher temps provide a longer growng time but
pests will have more time to increase in
- in winter pests will be able to cause greater
infestations so plants will have a lower %
- human dieseases will migrate
- tropical dieases will be able to thrive
in warmer europe
- causes a spread of new dieases