Zusammenfassung der Ressource
New Labour Policies since 1997
- 1997-2010 Labour party were in
power, lead by Tony Blair till 2007,
under Gordon Brown
- "New Labour" - no longer following
traditional Labour Party Policies
- Aim was to
- Low income backgrounds provided
with payments for students
- New deal for
young people
- Training & Voluntary
work for unemployed
young people
- Aim Higher
- Raise aspirations for
those groups that are
under-represented in
higher education,
mostly working class
- Education
Action Zones
- Deprived areas provided with additional resources
- Sure Start
- Extra help for pre-school
children in deprived
areas e.g Play Centres
- Excellence in
Schools Cities
- Disadvantaged inner
city children who
were at risk of
exclusion provided
with mentors and
- Within education system -
Increase diversity, choice
and competition
- focus on the needs of the
individual child and power in
the hands of the parents
- Schools having specialist status in particular curriculum
- By 2007, 85% of schools
had become specialist
schools e.g technology, languages and so on
- Breaking away from the
oppressive uniformity of old
centralised one size fits all
- OSFA- all schools
expected to be the
- Education becomes customised to
diverse communities
- E.g Growth of faith schools for
different religion types
- 16-18 yr olds education in 2000 -
AS/A2s and key skills and more
vocational skills introduced.
- Citizenship education
to make pupils aware
of politics
- Existence of Grammar & fee paying private schools
(Not Abolished)
- Over emphasis on targets & league tables.
Only advantage the schools that are able to
attract the most able & highest proportion
of higher class pupils
- McKnight et al (2005) - Overall standards have risen, improvements in GCSE'S, Alevel and Key stage
tests and a small reduction in class differences in achievement at school