Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The Glimme
by Emily
Illustrated by
Marc McBride
- Reading and Viewing
- Read Chapters
as a class or
small groups
- Decode
unfamiliar words
- Dictionary activity - search
definition of unfamiliar
- Language features activity about the
characters - adjectives that describe
the characters - Synonyms
- Language Features activity - Identify
dependent and independent clauses
- Discuss phrases
- Text Features activity - How and why has
the author has organised text? What other
text features have been included? Eg: Map
- YouTube clip on reviews or
trailers about the book/author
- Have multiple copies
of the book
- Research the book and author
as a class and find out any
extra information: - read blurb,
- Investigate how the author organises the book -
chapters, images
- Differentiation - Teacher read,
Teacher Aide read text, levelled
- Student with learning difficulties
- Explore images and why the characters
have been portrayed the way they are
- Examine famous artworks
and how the artist
portrays the character
- Sequence images
and explain why?
- Speaking and Listening
- Role Play - Act out a scene presenting
the characters point of view
- Students peer review
- Record using iPads - review
- Use language features to discus and show characters
motivation, personality, fears, relationships...
- Group Discussion - responding, listening to
others, justifying and predicting about the
main character or characters
- Discuss imagery
- Class/group discussions about
how and why the main character
changes throughout the chapters
- Class/group discussions about the
characters and understanding others
- Differentiation - Audio Book,
Extension Activities, Critical Thinking
- Student with learning difficulties
- Gifted and Talented
- Writing and Representing
- Editing Activity on the text
including spelling, punctuation
- Highlight/colour code verbs, noun
groups, language features about
the characters
- Identify simple, complex
and compound
- Write an alternate Blurb
- Create a new Title for the
book/chapter and explain
- Design a new cover
and justify
- Write a Review on specific
Chapter - Point of View
- Inference activity -
predict what might
happen next
- Sequence images
- iPads - Book Creator - insert
images - write captions
- Inference activity - analyse
the titles of the paintings
- Character WEB - Write about the
characteristics of the main
character and how he changes
throughout the Chapters
- Write a section from
- Use authors
descriptions to draw
and label other
- Differentiation - Extension activities - Personal opinion
-Justification of traits of the main character - Voice to text -
type text - draw images - record voice - Book Creator on
iPad - Graphic Organisers - Word Wall/Chart
- Student with learning difficulties
- Gifted and Talented
- Write about the main
complication that the main
character faced in each chapter
- Prediction activity - Why? What?
question about the characters
- Year 5 Novel Study - 3 week unit -
Traditional Quest story with magic
and dragons
Includes all Learning Activities and
Tasks throughout the UNIT
- Formative assessment - Teacher notes and observations will inform planning
- Australian
- Numeracy - plot graph or
create a map with
- ICT - iPads - creating, recording
- Critical and Creative Thinking
- SCENARIO - Gifted and Talented -
Student with learning difficulties
- Visual Arts
- The Glimme by Emily
Rodda Illustrated by Marc
McBride Year 5 Novel
Study - Curriculum links
to General Capabilities:
Literacy and Critical &
Creative Thinking