Printing Techniques


Flexography and uses Relief Printing and types Screen Printing and uses Gravure and uses
Mindmap von zodored15, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von zodored15 vor fast 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Printing Techniques
    1. Uses
      1. Milk cartons
        1. Beverage cartons
          1. Corrugated containers
            1. Paper sacks
              1. Disposable cups
              2. A rotary relief printing method where rubber or plastic printing plates rotate to print onto paper and other impervious materials using ink
              3. SCREEN PRINTING
                1. Uses
                  1. T-shirts
                    1. Bags
                      1. Bannners
                        1. Posters
                          1. Packaging
                            1. Flyers
                            2. Where ink is forced onto a surface through a screen of fine material to create and image or pattern
                            3. GRAVURE
                              1. Uses
                                1. Magazines
                                  1. Newspapers
                                    1. Packaging
                                    2. Where images are engraved into printing cylinders which are inked and transferred image to paper
                                      1. Large-volume printing
                                      2. RELIEF PRINTING
                                        1. Where inked wood, lino or metal has paper pressed onto it to make a print
                                          1. Letter press
                                            1. Raised surface
                                            2. Block printing
                                              1. Drawn onto lino
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